Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Teacher (Lama) - Teacher

བླ་མ། 喇嘛
(item no. 90808)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1500 - 1599
Lineages Sakya, Gelug and Buddhist
Material Bronze, Copper Inlay
Collection Carolyn and Wesley Halpert
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: Monastic

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Jetsun Yangchen Gawa.

There are several teachers of the past named Yangchen Gawa. The most famous is Bodong Panchen Chogle Namgyal. Generally this name is associated with techers of the Bodong tradition however there is a famous Gelug teacher named Yangchen Gawa Lodro (1740-1827 [TBRC P166]).

This sculpture has an inscription with the epithet 'jetsun' which would likely rule out Bodong Panchen as the subject. The sculpture also appears to be in a late 15th or 16th century style which would rule out the Gelug teacher Yangchen Gawa Lodro of the 18th century. Another possible identification would be Jorra Yangchen Gawa, the 4th Jorra Chungtsang [P8LS12716].

Jeff Watt [updated 8-2017]

Wylie Transliteration: rje brtsun dbyangs can dga'''''''' ba'''''''' sku ''''''''dra ''''''''di. ...

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Collection of Caroline & Wesley Halpert
Sculpture: Metal
Collection of Halpert (Sculpture)
Sculpture: Tsang Atelier (Inscriptions)
Tradition: Bodong
Sculpture: Tsang Province Atelier (Teachers)
Sculpture: Monastic Shirt (Square Edges)