Himalayan Art Resources

Collection of Philadelphia Museum of Art

Museum Collections

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Introduction (below)
- Paintings (below)
--- Masterworks (Paintings)
- Sculpture
--- Masterworks (Sculpture)
- Others...

- An Introduction to the Collection
- Painting Masterworks
- Sculpture Masterworks

Painting Sets, Subjects & Traditions:
- Buddha Figures
- Mandala Paintings
- Nepal Painting Masterworks
- Sakya Tradition Painting
- Nyingma Tradition Painting
- Others...

"The Philadelphia Museum of Art in partnership with the city, the region, and art museums around the globe, seeks to preserve, enhance, interpret, and extend the reach of its great collections in particular, and the visual arts in general, to an increasing and increasingly diverse audience as a source of delight, illumination, and lifelong learning."

Database Search: All Images | Painting | Mandalas | Sculpture

Jeff Watt 7-2009 [updated 5-2017, 5-2024]