Himalayan Art Resources

Subject: Hell (Main Page)

Wheel of Life

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Horizontal Depictions
- Vertical Depictions
- Outline Page
- Yama Main Page
- Masterworks
- Confusions
- Others...

- Hell Study Topics
- Hell Scenes

Study Topics:
- Wheel of Life
--- Circular
--- Horizontal/Vertical
- Bardo Paintings
- Travelling to Hell
--- Maudgalyayana
--- Delog

Principal Examples:
- Wheel of Life and Buddhist Cosmology (Hell depictions & context)
- Yama, the Judge of Good & Bad Actions
- Narrative Vignettes from Life Stories
- Hell Depictions: Set 1, Set 2, Nepalese Painting
- Hell Narratives (Maudgalyayana's descent into Hell)
- Bardo Depictions (Nyingma): Example 1
- Buddhist Saviours in Hell: Shakyamuni Buddha, Avalokiteshvara, Padmasambhava
- Bon Saviours in Hell: Micho Demdrug
- Others...

Jeff Watt [updated 6-2017]

(The images below are a selection taken from the various sets and groups with links listed above).