Himalayan Art Resources

Iconography: Traditional Hierarchy (Buddhist)

Traditional Hierarchy (Buddhist) | Buddhist Icongraphy

Subjects & Topics:
- Traditional Hierarchy Explanation
- Three Jewels
- Foundational Buddhism
- Mahayana Buddhism
- Vajrayana Buddhism (Sarma)
- Vajrayana Buddhism (Nyingma)
- Three Jewels & Three Roots
- Outer, Inner, Secret & Real
- Confusions
- Others...

1. Traditional Hierarchy (in descending order):
(1) Guru (Teacher)
(2) Buddha (Outline Page)
(3) Ishtadevata/Meditational Deity
(4) Bodhisattva (Outline Page)
(5) Arhat/Pratyekabuddha/Sthavira (Resource Page)
(6) Daka/Dakini (Outline Page)
(7) Protector Deity, Enlightened (Outline Page)
(8) Wealth Deity (Outline Page)
(9) Four Guardian Kings (Outline Page) & Protector Deities (Worldly)
(10) Worldly Gods of the Indian Pantheon

Jeff Watt [updated 5-2017]