Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Vajramrita & Related Deities

Deity Colours - Green

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Outline Page
- Amritakundalin
- Amrita Krodha
- Amrita Heruka
- Vajra Amrita
- Ten Wrathful Ones
- Vajra Humkara
- Vajra Amrita: Eight Pronouncement Deities (Nyingma)
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Humkara, Avalokita Samvara
- Others...

Video: Vajramrita & Related Deities

Vajravali: The Seventeen Mother Tantras
27. Vajramrita, 21 Deity
28. Amrita Humkara, 27 Deity
29. Amrita Krodha, 21 Deity
30. Amrita Kundalin, 13 Deity

Mitra Gyatsa: The Nine Charya Tantra Mandalas
17. Amritakundali (?) 5 Deity
- Others...

Vajramrita and the related forms of Amrita Humkara, Amrita Krodha and Amrita Kundalin (Amritakundali) are described in the Abhidhana Tantra in the Chakrasmvara Literature. They are rare iconographic forms and not commonly represented as a central figure in art. They mostly appear as part of an iconographic compendium such as the Vajravali of Abhayakaragupta, Sadhana-samucchaya, or in the group of the Ten Wrathful Ones. There are at least four forms of the complex deity that have the name 'amrita' in common. They are all grouped together in the Vajravali literature and described with a retinue of deities and complex mandalas. Several other forms of the deity, usually in a more simplified form, appear in other traditions. There are two deities similar in appearance that can cause confusion in identification: Humkara and Avalokita Samvara.

Jeff Watt [updated 7-2018]

Toh 435. The Vajrāmṛta. རྡོ་རྗེ་བདུད་རྩི། · rdo rje bdud rtsi. vajrāmṛtatantra.