Bhavacakra or Sipa Khorlo
Offering or Torma
Protective Talisman
A short biograph of Chogyam Trungpa

Illustrations of the Teaching

The main example of this category is the wheel of life (S.: bhavacakra; T.: sipa khorlo; Tt.: srid pa ‘knor lo). The wheel of life is unique in that it portrays the totality of the Buddhist teaching concerning samsara. This is particularly essential in that understanding the psychological nature of samsara is the working basis of the path, the first step toward enlightenment. Other forms in this category are sets of symbols of various kinds. The heap of five sense-organs stands for the five sense-consciousnesses arranged as an offering. The “eight auspicious symbols” are emblematic of the basic nature of the Buddhist teaching. The ornament of the “triple gem” stands for the buddha, the dharma and the sangha (community of the teaching). There are many traditional ornaments considered as symbols of the auspicious and beneficial nature of some aspect of the buddhadharma.










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Essay © 1975 Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
copyright © 2003 Shelly and Donald Rubin Foundation