Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Mahakala (Buddhist Protector) - Chaturbhuja (Four-hands)

མ་ཧཱ་ཀཱ་ལ། ནག་པོ་ཆེན་པོ། 玛哈嘎拉
(item no. 11869)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1500 - 1599
Lineages Buddhist
Material Metal, Copper Inlay, Mercuric Gild
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Wrathful

Gender: Male

Summary: This form of Mahakala can be either a protector deity (dharmapala) or a meditational deity (ishtadevata).

Interpretation / Description

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Mahakala - Chaturbhuja (Sculpture Masterworks)
Buddhist Protector: Mahakala Iconography
Mahakala: Chaturbhuja, Four-hands Main Page
Mahakala - Chaturbhuja (Single Form)
Tradition: Marpa/Dagpo Kagyu Art History