Himalayan Art Resources

Iconography: Main Page

Art History Main Page

- Buddhist Iconography

- Bon Iconography

- Hindu Iconography

- Videos:
- Iconography Introduction
- Iconography (All videos)
- Conflation of Deities: Part 1
- Iconography Publications (Book Reviews)

Description of Iconography: the study and identification, often religious, of portraits, deities and symbols along with the context and general subject matter of an artwork.

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Iconography Description (below)
- Iconography & Figurative Art
- Iconic & Non-iconic Figures Main Page
- Iconographic Programs (Painting)
- Art & Tantric Iconography
- Literature, Iconography & Art
- Popularity of Deities
- Unidentified Subjects
- Iconic Symbols & Regional Icons
- Connoisseurship in Iconography
- Confusions
- Others...

Jeff Watt 3-2008

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).