Iconography Main Page | Bon Resource Page
Introduction to Bon Iconography:
1. Tonpa Shenrab (Images, Forms & Life Story):
- Tonpa Shenrab
- Nampar Gyalwa
- Tritsug Gyalwa
- Tonpa Shenrab Life Story Sets
- Four Transcendent Lords
- Dulwa Shendrug
- Choga Chunyi
2. Four Transcendent Lords
3. Teachers
4. Deities:
- Peaceful Deities
- Wrathful Deities
5. Protectors:
- Sipai Gyalmo
- Worldly & Regional
Subjects & Topics:
- Gender & Iconography
- Confused Visual Subjects (List)
- Aphorisms for Iconography
- Special & Iconic Symbols, Regional Icons
- Connoisseurship in Iconography
- Others...
Jeff Watt [updated 1-2017]
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).