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Dulwa Shen Drug ('dul ba g.shen drug)
1. God Realm: Lhayi Dulshen, Yeshen Tsugpu (lha yi 'dul g.shen, ye g.shen gtsug phud).
2. Asura Realm: Lhamin Dulshen, Chegyal Pati (lha min 'dul g.shen, lce rgyal pa ti).
3. Human Realm: Miyi Dulshen, Sangwa Dupa (mi yi 'dul g.shen, g.sang ba 'dus pa).
4. Animal Realm: Jolsong Dulshen, Tisang Rangshi (byol song 'dul g.shen, ti sangs rang zhi).
5. Ghost Realm: Yidag Dulshen, Sangwa Ngang Ring (yi dwags 'dul g.shen, g.sang ba ngang ring).
6. Hell Realm: Nyalwa'i Dulshen, Micho Demdrug (dmyal ba'i 'dul g.shen, mi cho ldem drug).
The Dulwa Shen Drug are six special forms of Tonpa Shenrab that lead beings out of the six realms of existence: god, demi-god, human, animal, ghost and hell realms.
Jeff Watt [updated 6-2017]