Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Item No. 36515

དབུས་ཀྱི་སྣང་བརྙན་གང་རུང་། 任何中心人物
(item no. 36515)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1600 - 1699
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
Collection Private
Interpretation / Description

[15] Remaining Years in Tibet. At the middle left side of the painting are many images of Padmasambhava in rocky caves and snowy mountains. As examples, four handprints and four sets of footprints mark sacred places where he spent time in meditation retreat. All of this represents the years spent in Tibet visiting and blessing the twenty snow mountains of Ngari, the twenty-one sacred places of U-tsang, the twenty-five sacred places of Dokham, and the three hidden valleys (beyul).

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