Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Amitabha Buddha - Sambhogakaya

སངས་རྒྱས་འོད་དཔག་མེད། 无量寿佛
(item no. 74935)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1300 - 1399
Lineages Buddhist
Material Bronze
Collection Bachmann and Eckenstein
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Peaceful

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Amitayus Tibetan: Tse pag me

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Sculpture: Monastic Period (Tibet, 13-14th century)
Buddhist Deity: Long-Life Deities
Sculpture: Buddha
Collection of Bachmann and Eckenstein
Buddhist Deity: Amitayus Buddha (Sculpture)
Sculpture: Monastic Period (Sambhogakaya Buddha)