Himalayan Art Resources

Item: King - of Shambhala

རྒྱལ་པོ། 国王
(item no. 77062)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1800 - 1899
Lineages Karma (Kagyu)
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Publication: Wisdom Publications, Calender
Painting School Karma Gardri
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Person

Appearance: King

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Shambhala King: slightly wrathful, red in colour, with orange hair flowing upward. He holds the stem of a white lotus in the right hand and a lasso in the left; seated with the two legs extended in front supported by naga serpents. This image is iconographically identical to HAR #15447. At the left side of the king sits a consort, blue in colour, holding a curved knife and skullcup.

Jeff Watt 6-2009

Wisdom Calendar 1990 - September (full catalog list)

Related Items
Publication: Wisdom Publications: Calendar Collection

Thematic Sets
Kings: Shambhala Kings Main Page
Kings: Shambhala (Palpung Misc.)
Collection: Nagel, December 6th, 2022 (Highlights)
Kings: Main Page & King Appearance
Painting Style: Kham Region (Kham-ri)