Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. July 20 through December 29, 1996 and April 15 through June 7, 1998.
"Art is an effort to formalize individual moments of wholeness, harmony, and radiance. The transcending effects of these moments, the energy which discloses the mystery of the universe in responding to our spiritual curiosity, uplift and satisfy the soul's need to question and to speak. The tenderness and the powerful presence of art create an inner sunlit circle in which one is quiet and elated. It is a moment of magic. This exhibit of the mystical art of Tibet is such a crystallized moment. In art and in spiritual life neutrality does not exist." (Oglethorpe University Museum).
The Mystical Arts of Tibet. Published 1996 by Longstreet Press, Atlanta, 8" x 10" hardbound and softbound, 147 illusrations, 166 pages. (The text, written by Tibetologist Glenn H. Mullin and artist Andy Weber, provides a detailed historical perspective, both on Tibetan Buddhism, and on the evolution of the unique artistic practices which emerged within it).