China Main Page | Mandala MasterworksPainting Sets:
- Prince Yintao Vajravali Set
- Qianlong Palace Set 1
- Qianlong Palace Set 2
- Qianlong Set 3
- Others...
Video: Chinese Mandala Masterworks
HAR #73229 is on the ceiling of a small niche on the south side of Beihai Stupa, Beijing.
HAR #86530 is from the Yuan Period, possibly 14th century.
There are two main periods for mandala production in China, early and late. The early period is primarily the Yuan Dynasty with one textile example. The late mandalas are generally from the Kangshi and Qianlong periods of the 18th century. From this time sets of mandalas based on the Vajravali were produced.
Database Search: All Chinese Mandalas
Jeff Watt 2-2024