Life Story (Mongolian) | Shakyamuni Buddha Life Story | Robert & Lois Baylis CollectionLife Story Painting Set:
- Birth 90322
- Youth 90321
- Leaving the Palace 90316
- Defeating Mara 90319
- Miracles at Shravasti (?)90315
- Tushita Heaven 90317
- Students: Kashyapa, Ananda and Upali 90318
- Parinirvana 90320
- Others...
A set of paintings depicting the life story of Shakyamuni Buddha with possibly nine or eleven compositions in total. In the composition of Shakyamuni defeating the Maras the central Buddha figure is much larger than in the other compositions. This painting is very likely to be the central, or main, composition of the set.
Jeff Watt [updated 7-2018]