Mongolia Painting Set | Kalachakra Iconography Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Painting Set Description (below)
- Shankh Monastery
- Vajra Vega: HAR #57813
- Confusions
- Others...
Seven unique paintings of Kalachakra from Shankh Monastery, Mongolia, courtesy of Don Croner.
Jeff Watt 7-2008
"Shankh Khiid, in Ovorkhangai Aimag about 200 miles west of Ulaan Baatar. The original ger monastery was founded nearby in 1647 by Zanabazar, the first Bogd Gegen of Mongolia. The monastery at this site dates from sometime later. The main temple at the monastery now contains seven Kalachakra depicting all 722 Kalachakra deities and many other depictions connected with the Kalachakra. These thangkas, which are the only ones of their kind in Mongolia, were hidden in a cave during the communist era by Lama Gombo and another local man. They were only brought out of hiding in the early 1990s." (Don Croner).