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Bibliography: Dorje Shugden Publications

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There are too many texts to source and list here. What follows are only a selection from an ever growing list.

An Interview with Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Tricycle Magazine, Spring 1998.

The 'Bhutan Abbot' of Ngor: Stubborn Idealist with a Grudge against Shugs-ldan, by David Jackson. (See image of Drugpa Khenpo).

The Dalai Lama and the Demon King, the Dolgyal Shugden Research Society, 2013.

Dolgyal Shugden: A History, the Dolgyal Shugden Research Society, 2014.

Dorje Shugden. Gene Smith. Inner Asia Colloquium at the University of Washington, July 25, 1963.

Dorje Shugden Be'u Bum: (Lhasa edition, Dharmasala edition). [Tibetan Language]

The Earth Shaking Thunder of True Word. By Tenpai Gyaltsen Dhongthog, 1996. Translated from the Tibetan and edited by T.G.Dhongthog and Lucjan Shila. Sapan Institute, 2000. (See page 1, Pages 2 & 3, and pages 4 & 5).

Heart Jewel: The essential practices of Kadampa Buddhism. Kelsang Gyatso. (1991, 1997). London: Tharpa.

Oracles and Demons of Tibet, R. Nebesky-Wojkowitz. The Hague. (1956).

Sakya Kangso: (Lhakang Chenmo edition, Dehradun edition). [Tibetan Language].

The Shuk-den Affair: Origins of a Controversy by Georges Dreyfus. Williams College, Fall 1999. (See publication).

Tales of Intrigue from Tibet's Holy City: The Historical Underpinnings of a Modern Buddhist Crisis. Lindsay G. McCune, Spring 2007. The Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences. (See Pdf Thesis File).

Letting Daylight into Magic: The Life and Times of Dorje Shugden. By Stephen Batchelor. Tricycle, Spring 1998.

Two Sides of the Same God. By Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Tricycle Magazine, Spring 1998.

(More texts to be added with proper citation).

Jeff Watt [updated 8-2018]