Himalayan Art Resources

Bon Deity: Chime Yabse Shi

Bon Religion Main Page | Bon Deities

Chime Yabse Shi: belonging to the Treasure tradition of Dorje Lingpa, this 'terma' was discovered in Bhutan and is practiced in both the Bon and Buddhist religions.

The male deity has three faces and six hands embracing a consort. The male figure and central face represents Drenpa Namka and the two side faces represent Tsewang Rigdzin and Yungdrung Tongdrol - the two sons. The consort is the wife and mother of the two boys (side faces). Four distinct identities and personalities are depicted in the one image. This is very unusual in Buddhist or Bon iconography where usually one, or possibly two entities are depicted (yab-yum). In many cases with con-joined tantric figures the two represent the opposites and the coming together of opposites not necessarily two separate distinct beings with personalities and self identities.

Jeff Watt 12-2010