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On the 3rd floor of the Lhukang Temple there are two large panels documenting 'Revealed Treasure' Teachings of Pema Lingpa. A third panel depicts the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas of the Vajrasana tradition along with the Twenty-five disciples of Padmasambhava.
There are a further four small narrow panels. The first of these depicts various narratives scenes including Pema Lingpa and the discovery of 'Revealed Treasures' in a lake in Bhutan. The second small panel again depicts narrative scenes including Sakya Pandita, Tsongkapa, Tsarchen Loasal Gyatso and Doringpa (see images below). The third of the three panels depicts two deities - a Nyingma Heruka figure above and a wrathful Vajrapani below. The fourth panel appears to be a continuation of one of the second large Pema Lingpa panel. (The photographs were taken by Ariana Maki, July, 2007).