Himalayan Art Resources

Bhutan: Paro Gorinang (A. Maki Archive)

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Paro Gorinang (site name: Gorinang; location: Paro district) Kunang Osel Ling (sku snang 'od gsal gling) was founded at Gorinang (sgo ri nang) by the 25th Je Khenpo, Sherab Gyeltsen (rje mkhan po 25 shes rab rgyal mtshan 1772-1848). He was born into the family lineage of the Zarchen Choje (zar chen chos rje) of Paro (spa gro), and spent much of his life renovating temples and sacred sites in the area. The remains of the Fourth Zhabdrung are interred in a chorten nearby.

Ariana Maki 3-2012