Tangtong Gyalpo Life-story Painting Set | Tangtong Gyalpo Main Page | Tangtong Gyalpo Outline PageAt this time the HAR website only has a single painting from a much larger set of compositions depicting the life-story of Tangtong Gyalpo. At least two other compositions from this set are known to exist.
This painting has an inscription located at the top center on the back of the composition as well as on the back brocade. The inscription is a location reference placing it at the 'right 4th' in the complete set of displayed compositions. At this time only two other paintings from this same set are known to exist. Many of the individual narrative vignettes are numbered. On this painting the numbers begin with 170 through 210.
The detail images below begin with the central figure, a close-up of the face, followed by the four quarters of the composition. The smaller detail images begin at the top left and move in a clockwise direction around the painting ending again at the top left.
Jeff Watt 3-2012