Mahasiddha Set (Tsang Atelier, Various Lineages) | Sculpture: Tsang AtelierThree of the sculpture below, the Shavaripa, Jalandhara, and Krishnacharya belong to a Chakrasamvara lineage set. Seventeen more images from this set are preserved in Ngor Ewam Monastery in Tsang, Tibet. A fourth sculpture, Vijayapada, is in the Frey Collection in Zurich, Switzerland. Nine sculpture from the set, although each identified by name through textual sources, remain unknown as to their whereabouts. A Luipa example appears to be a copy following the original Ngor Chakrasamvara sculpture set.
The Damarupa, holding a double sided drum and a skullcup, belongs to a Lamdre (Margapala) Lineage set. He is the fifth in the series.
It is likely that some of the Tibetan figures from these two lineage, Chakrasamvara and Lamdre, can be found in the Teachers Section of the Tsang Province Atelier sculpture gallery.
Lineage Sets:
- Chakrasamvara Lineage Set: HAR #59531, #65218, #3313999
- Margapala (Lamdre) Lineage: HAR #71861
Chakrasamvara Lineage, Abisheka, Root Tantra and Commentary: Vajradhara, Vajrapani, Maha Brahmin Saraha, Acharya Nagarjuna, The Protector Shavari, Luipa, Darikapa, Vajra Ghantapa, Kumarapada, Jalandharapa, Krishnapa, Guhyapa, Nampar Gyalwai Shap, The Acharya Barmai Lobpon, Tilopa, Naropa, (the two) Pamtingpa Kuche Nyi, Lama Lokkya Sherab Tseg, Lama Mal Lotsawa, The Lord of Dharma Sakyapa (1092-1158). (See other Sakya Lineages).
The Margapala Lineage: Vajradhara, Nairatma, Virupa, Kanha, Damarupa, Avadhutipa, Je Gayadhara, Je Drogmi Shakya Yeshe, Je Khar Chungpa Kunrig, Je Shang Gonpawa Chobar, Je Sakyapa Chenpo Kunga Nyingpo, Lobpon Rinpoche Sonam Tsemo, Jetsun Rinpoche Dragpa Gyaltsen, Chokyi Je Sakya Pandita Chenpo, Lama Chokyi Gyalpo (1235-1280).
Jeff Watt 12-2015 [updated 8-2021]