Himalayan Art Resources

Indian Adept: Vimalamitra

Eight Vidyadhara

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Jeff Watt [updated 5-2024]

Lotsawa House: Vimalamitra Series
"Vimalamitra’s biography began to take shape in the twelfth through fifteenth centuries, during the formative years of a distinctly emerging Nyingma tradition. Despite numerous permutations and amendments, the standard story of liberation (rnam thar) was primarily influenced by The Extensive History of the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection (rdzogs pa chen po snying thig gi lo rgyus chen mo). It was this normative biography that was most recently retold in the Fourth Dodrubchen, Tubten Trinle Pelzangpo's (rdo grub chen thub bstan phrin las dpal bzang po, b.1927) book, The Biography of the Mahāpaṇḍita Vimalamitra." (Joel Gruber is teaching professor at the University of San Diego. Published March 2012. [Full Text]).