Collections Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- University of Pennsylvania Museum Description (below)
- Painting (below)
- Sculpture
- Red Ground Set
- Shakyamuni & Arhats Set
- Shakyamuni Buddha Narrative Set
- Nyingma Teacher Set
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: "Founded in 1887, the Penn Museum has always been one of the world's great archaeology and anthropology research museums, and the largest university museum in the United States. With roughly one million objects in our care, the Penn Museum encapsulates and illustrates the human story: who we are and where we came from. As a dynamic research institution with many ongoing research projects, the Museum is a vibrant and engaging place of continual discovery, with the mandate of research, teaching, collections stewardship, and public engagement - the four "pillars" of what we do." (From the Penn Museum website).
(Search Tibetan art on the Penn Museum website).
Jeff Watt 1-2014