Medicine Buddha (Gyantse) | Medicine Buddha Main Page | Gyantse Scroll Paintings | Bodleian Libraries Main Page
The depicted forms and ritual practices of Medicine Buddha are derived from the Bhaishajyaguru Sutra and according to Buddhist Tradition were taught by Shakyamuni Buddha. In the Vajrayana Buddhist Tradition this sutra is classified as Tantra literature and belonging to the Kriya classification. Many works under the Kriya classification are understood as being both sutra texts and tantra texts at the same time. Medicine Buddha imagery and practice is common to all of Tibetan and Himalayan Buddhism and particularly important to the Tibetan medical schools and traditions.
Eight Medicine Buddhas & Prajnaparamita:
1. Bhaishajyaguru, Vaidurya Prabha Raja (blue)
Inner Mandala Circle of Eight Figures:
2. Ashokattamshri (pink)
3. Suvarnabhadra Vimala (white)
4. Abhijnaraja (pink)
5. Shakyamuni (golden)
6. Suparakirtita Namashri (yellow)
7. Nirghosharaja
8. Dharmakirti Sagara
9. Prajnaparamita
The remaining seven compositions from the painting set have not yet been located.
Jeff Watt 6-2014