VMFA Masterworks
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Painting
- Mandalas
- Sculpture
- HAR Collections Main Page
- VMFA Website
- Others...
- Teacher Painting Masterworks
- Silver Tara: Iconography Hack
- Introduction to the Collection
- Painting Masterworks
- Sculpture Masterworks
The images below are only a selection of paintings belonging to the VMFA. Much of the Himalayan style art in the museum was acquired from the Ford and Zimmerman Family collections in the early 1990s.
Jeff Watt 3-2015 [updated 2-2020]
"VMFA is a state-supported, privately endowed educational institution created for the benefit of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, exhibit, and interpret art, to encourage the study of the arts, and thus to enrich the lives of all." Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Website