HAR Cataloguing Standard | Painting & Composition Types
The list below contains the minimum required fields for the creation of a primary comprehensive database of information (spreadsheet style) regarding Himalayan art paintings and textiles. The list is primarily intended for figurative art and can be modified to suite various types of works. Ideally the data should be in English, Tibetan, Chinese and Sanskrit. Where applicable, Mongolian, Nepalese and Newar languages can also be used in place of other less primary languages.
A secondary list can also be made with greater space for style information, lineage list, same painting set comparables, condition report and more remarks concerning the object. Also, in the secondary cataloguing there should be more information about the subject of the painting, such as, the Four Composition Types, the Four Colour Ground Types, the Eleven Figurative Forms, etc.
Primary List of Required Field:
- HAR number
- Museum Ascension number/private collection number
- Name: English & Sanskrit
- Name: Tibetan, or other
- Name: Chinese, or other
- Gender: male/female
- Region/s:
- Date/date range:
- Religion/tradition
- Medium:
- Style Name/artist name
- Painting set: yes/no
- Measurements
- Condition report: yes/no
- Location
- Publishing history
- Loan history
- Copyright information
- Remarks
Jeff Watt 9-2015