Buddha Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
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- Figure List (below)
- Confusions: Nagarjuna & Nagaraja Buddha
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Video: Human Figures with an Ushnisha
Figures with an Ushnisha on the Crown of the Head:
- Rahula (Elder): commonly depicted with an ushnisha on the crown of the head.
- Nagarjuna: commonly depicted with an ushnisha.
- Garab Dorje: commonly depicted in Buddha Appearance, or as a human with an ushnisha.
- Shakya Sengge/Padmasambhava: commonly depicted with an ushnisha.
- Sakya Pandita: commonly depicted with an ushnisha.
- Pratyekabuddhas: in Field of Accumulation paintings and in mandala depictions from the Charya and Yoga Tantras these figures are depicted with an ushnisha. Arhats are not typically depicted with an ushnisha.
- Others....
Human Figures with Buddha Appearance (characteristics): all of the figures below have basic monastic or arhat appearance. The principal Buddha characteristic that they all have in common is the ushnisha on the crown of the head. (See comparison outline).
(The images below are only a small sample selected from the links above).
Jeff Watt 6-2011 [updated 6-2016, 4-2017]