Rangjung Dorje Masterworks
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Both Hands Forward
- Face Appearing on a Full moon
- Karmapa Main Page
- Confusions: Karma Pakshi, Wangchug Dorje
- Others...
Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa (1284-1339 [P66]), is known through art to have been portrayed in a variety of hand gestures. With sculpture he is often confused with Karma Pakshi, the 2nd Karmapa, who is often shown with the two hands extended over the knees. Unlike Rangjung Dorje who is clean shaven in all depictions, Karma Pakshi is famous for having worn a goatee from which he was strung-up while he was imprisoned in China.
There are also paintings of Rangjung Dorje with his circle.
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Jeff Watt 2-2017 [updated 3-2020]