Himalayan Art Resources

Wheel of Life: Art History

Wheel of Life Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Masterworks
- Outline Page
- Schematic
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Mandala
- Regions
- Early Period: 11th to 14th century
- Middle Period: 15th to 17th century
- Late Period: 18th to present
- Diagrammatic Art Main Page
- Confusions
- Others...

Videos: Wheel of Life Video List

Seven Interesting Things About the Wheel of Life:
1. The Earliest (oldest) painting: Ajanta Cave
2. The most correct personification of death (no ornaments)
3. The best depiction based on drawing and line work
4. Briefest symbolic depiction of the Wheel of Life
5. Most unique depiction
6. The biggest depiction (carved rock relief): Dazu, China
7. A Bon Religion Wheel of Life depiction.

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Jeff Watt 3-2007 [updated 9-2016, 5-2017, 1-2020]