Himalayan Art Resources

Kings: Shambhala Kings Religious Context

Shambhala Kings Main Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Numbers:
--- Seven Kings
--- Twenty-five Vidyadhara
- King Yashas
- Shambhala Kings Outline
- Shambhala Kingdom
- Shambhala Battle
- Kalachakra Main Page
- Kings Main Page
- Confusions
- Others...

- Shambhala Kings & Vidyadharas
- Shambhala Pureland
- Shambhala Kings (MFA Boston)

(For more information about the Shambhala Kings and the names of the kings in Sanskrit and Tibetan see the excellent Kalachakra website of Edward Henning).

Database Search: All Images

Jeff Watt 4-2007 [updated 3-2020]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).