Buddhist Protector Deities Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- Maning Mahakala
- Nyingma Tradition
- Marutse: North-western charnel ground
- Masterworks
- Confusions: Karma Dorje Shugden
- Others...
Marutse is a male deity, wrathful in appearance, maroon in colour, with one face and four hands. The first pair hold a curved knife and skullcup. The second pair hold a sword and heart. Embracing a consort, he rides atop a garuda bird eating a naga serpent outstretched with both claws.
Marutse, mother and father, appears as a retinue figure in some configurations of Maning Mahakala, but not all traditions of Maning. The deity can also be confused with Karma Dorje Shugden who is similar in appearance except with only two arms and no consort.
Jeff Watt 4-2020
(The images below are of both central figures and Marutse as a secondary figure).