Vajravidarana Main Page
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description (below)
- White
- Green
- Blue, Wrathful
- Purification Deities
- Confusions: Vajrasattva, Vajrapani
- Others...
- Vajravidarana
- Vajrapani & Vajravidarana
Kriya Tantra Mandalas:
- White, Peaceful, Nineteen Deity (19) Mandala (Shavaripa). #58154
- Blue, Wrathful, Fifteen Deity (15) Mandala (Shavaripa). #817, 89198, 58156
- Blue, Wrathful Twenty-three Deity (23) Mandala (Mitra Gyatsa). #79047
- Blue, Wrathful, Ninety-seven Deity (97) Mandala (Lhodrag Khenchen). #58155
Anuttarayoga Tantra Mandalas:
- Blue, Wrathful, Seventy-five Deity (75) Mandala (Virupa). Example 1
The principal attribute of Vajravidarana is a double vajra held in the right hand. In peaceful form, Vajravidarana is almost identical in appearance with the meditational deity Vajrasattva. The two deities are differentiated by the double or single vajra and in painting by the colour of the body. Vajravidarana is often depicted with three eyes while Vajrasattva generally has only two. Textually there is a strong relationship between the deities Vajravidarana and Vajrapani. The Shangpa Kagyu tradition also has a form of Vajravidarana which appears almost identical to Krodha Vajrapani.
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Jeff Watt [added 4-2020]