Ganapati Iconography
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Vinayaka under the feet of Shadbhuja Mahakala (Kriya Tantra)
- Vinayaka under the feet of Bhutadamara Vajrapani (Charya Tantra)
- Trailokyavijaya Mandala (1037 Deity)
- Paramadya Vajrasattva Mandala (77 Deity)
- Sarvavid Vairochana Mandala (37 Deity)
- Chakravarti Guna Mandala
- Trailokyavijaya with 9 Bhairavas Mandala
- Trailokyavijaya with 8 Mahadevas Mandala
- Chakrasamvara, Raudra Samvara Mandala
- Thirteen Enemy Gods (Dralha Chusum)
- Kolpo Kundali (as a retinue figure)
- Confusions
- Others...
Video: Is the Hindu Ganapati & the Buddhist Ganapati the same?
The primary function of Ganapati in Tantric Buddhism is that of a wealth deity - a meditation and ritual practice done for the purposes of obtaining wealth. Most forms of Ganapati belong to the Kriya classification of Buddhist Tantra. In the 11th century Jowo Atisha popularized at least two forms of Ganapati in Tibet. The Indian Pandita Gayadhara introduced numerous other forms of Ganapati which came down through the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. In the following centuries the Nyingma Tradition gave rise to numerous forms through the process of Revealed Treasure.
Database Search: All Images | Paintings | Sculpture
Jeff Watt 5-2006 [updated 3-2011, 5-2017, 12-2019, 1-2021]
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).