Kalachakra Masterworks
Painting masterworks are always based on preference and subjective judgement. Personal taste, aesthetics and cultural background play a large role in assessing art. For Himalayan art two important considerations are iconography and traditional art history. Paintings are selected as potential masterworks based on the accuracy of the iconography according to authoritative textual descriptions and recognizable styles from the important art producing regions and corresponding periods of time.
Video: Kalachakra Painting Masterworks
A selection of masterworks based on drawing, colour and composition:
- Indian style, early 14th century (Tsang region)
- Mixed styles circa 1400 (9 meter tall mural, Amdo region)
- Mixed Styles, early to mid 15th century (Gyantse mural)
- Khyenri style, mid to late 15th century
- Khyenri style, early 17th century (Central Tibet)
- Khyenri style, mid 17th century (Central Tibet)
- Tashi Lhunpo style, mid 18th century (Shigatse)
- Khyenri style, mid 18th century (Kham)
- Lhatog/Khampa Gar style, 18/19th century (Kham)
- Palpung Monastery style, 18/19th century (Kham)
- New Menri style, 19/20th century (Lhasa)
- Others...
Jeff Watt 3-2021
(The images below are only a selection of examples from the Kalachakra Masterworks page).