Himalayan Art Resources

Indian Scholar: Dharmakirti

Six Ornaments & Two Excellent Ones

Dharmakirti (slob dpon chos grags).

- Dharmakirti, Indian Scholar
- Six Ornaments & Two Excellent Ones
- Monastics: Three Visual Types
- Patchwork Robes: Part 1
- Patchwork Robes: Part 2

- Identification Key: HAR #1074

HAR drawing #1074 is a very good key for identifying the Six Ornaments and Two Excellent Ones along with their close disciples.

Sanskrit and Tibetan Names:
Gyan Drug Chog Nyi (rgyan drug mchog g.nyis)
1. Nagarjuna (slob dpon klu sgrub)
2. Aryadeva ('phags pa arya de va)
3. Asanga ('phags pa thogs med)
4. Vasubhandu (slob dpon dbyig g.nyen)
5. Dignaga (slob dpon phyogs glang)
6. Dharmakirti (slob dpon chos grags)
7. Gunaprabha (slob dpon yon tan 'od)
8. Shakyaprabha (slob dpon shakya 'od)

Jeff Watt 2-2022