Himalayan Art Resources

Bon Deity: Trogyal Raksha Chidul

Bon Wrathful Deities

Iconographic Forms:
- Description (below)
- Trogyal Raksha Chidul (Rebkong)
- Shemar Chidul (Khyungpo)
- Confusions
- Others...

There are different iconographic forms of Chidul with different names, consorts and traditions. All three of the figurative examples below have slightly differing iconography one from the other. The two modern paintings belong to the known Bon traditions from Rebkong and Khyungpo. The earlier painting can be generally identified based on stylistic elements as originating in the Amdo Ngaba region of present day Northern Sichuan Province.

Jeff Watt 3-2022

Rebkong: khro rgyal raksha spyi 'dul.
Khyungpo: g.shed dmar spyi 'dul gyi lha bkod (de yi sku bstod ltar).