Himalayan Art Resources

Buddhist Deity: Vajrapani Videos

Vajrapani Main Page

Videos - Introduction:
- Vajrapani: Bodhisattva & Deity
- Vajrapani Painting Masterworks (Peaceful)
- Krodha Vajrapani with Two Arms
- Vajrapani Compendia Collections
- Bodhisattva: Three Definitions
- Eight Great Bodhisattvas

Videos: Tantric Iconography:
- Mahachakra Vajrapani
- Bhutadamara Vajrapani
- Bhutadamara: Best Examples
- Vajrapani & Wrathful Deity Confusions
- Vajrapani & Vajrasattva Confusions
- Others...

HAR Staff 9-2022

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).