Mandala Main PageSubjects, Topics & Types;
- Lotus Mandala Description (below)
- Hevajra Lotus
- Chakrasamvara Lotus
- Mandala Main Page
- Mandala Outline Page
- Mandala Sculpture
- Figurative Art Main Page
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Components & Sections:
- Central deity Subject
- Retinue Figures & Lotus Petals
- Top of Lotus
- Stem & Leaves
- Base of Lotus
Religious Tradition:
- Buddhist
- Hindu
A three dimensional metal sculpture of a lotus blossom and stem (stand) enclosing a central figure and surrounding deities. The subjects of the Lotus Mandala can be Tantric Buddhist, Shaiva or Vaishnava. Hinged petals can appear closed or open revealing the deities inside.
The central figure and side figures can become separated from the sculpture. Examples of these are shown below.
Lotus mandalas, primarily decorative in function, were first made in Northern India, Nepal, and then Tibet, China and Mongolia. Examples of all of these can be found among the images below.
Jeff Watt 3-2002 [updated 6-2016, 5-2017, 3-2019]