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Gyurme Dorje, Terdag Lingpa (1646-1714): the founder of Mindroling monastery, a prolific author and a revealer of hidden treasure teachings (Tibetan: terma).
Biographical Details
Terdag Lingpa is readily identified by his white beard, lotus hat and layperson attire. (See Men with Beards Outline Page). Although there are only six examples of Terdag Lingpa as a central figure there are many more examples of him as a secondary figure in other paintings. In those depictions he also has the beard and lotus hat. (See the Mindroling Tradition Main Page for examples).
Two of the paintings depicted below have hand prints, footprints or both, images #57043 and #65032. The latter of the two, #65032, also has an inscription on the back composed by Terdag Lingpa himself.
Jeff Watt [updated 8-2017]