Copies (Appropriation) Page | Contemporary Traditional
Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Copies Description (below)
- Subject copies
- Painting Style copies
- Elements & Motifs copies
- Combining mixed subjects, styles & elements
- Skill Level: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor
- Confusions
- Others...
Examples of Copies:
- Copy #1
- Copy #2
- Copy #3
- Copy #4
- Copy #5
- Copy #6
- Pastiche #1
- Pastiche #2
- Pastiche #3
Contemporary Traditional Copy Art is art is defined as created in the last half of the 20th century. Prior to that time copy art followed the traditional rules for iconography and style based on painting traditions and regional aesthetics.
Copy art generally is created with the intention to replicate in a similar fashion a previously completed artwork. The focus can be on the central iconographic subject or on all the elements of the composition. Examples of copy art that have faithfully followed the original compositions are HAR 2534, 2542, 2544 and 7883. Some modern copy art borrows numerous elements and subjects from different paintings and combines them together into a true pastiche such as with the two excellent examples of HAR #2501 and 2502.
Appropriation is a word used in art history to mean a copy or a borrowing of composition, style or figures. A pastiche is an imitation of an earlier style or a number of combined styles, similar to creating a collage.
Jeff Watt 6-2017 [11-2018]