Himalayan Art Resources

Tibet: Densatil (Shri Devi Iconography)

Densatil, Shri Devi

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Four Types (Textual)
--- Two Arms
--- Four Arms
--- Others
- Appearance:
--- Arms
--- Attributes
--- Earrings
--- Retinue
- Confusions
- Others...

Video: Shri Devi of Densatil: Variations in Iconography

Iconographic Types of Shri Devi:

Two Armed:
- Sword & Mongoose: HAR #10878, #22150, #57282, #69626
- Sword & Skullcup: HAR #22148

Four Armed:
- HAR #16810, #20363, #32077, #32078, (#Loomis)
- Seventeen Headed #69626
- Sword & Mirror, Palden Lhamo Srog Drub w/ 8 Deities: HAR #32078, #? (Speelman)
- Sword, Skullcup, Skull Staff, Corpse Staff (#Loomis)

Jeff Watt, 1-2024

10878 - Plain earrings
16810 - unclear
20363 - lion, snake
22148 - lion, snake
22150 - lion, snake
32077 - snake, lion
32078 - snake, lion
57282 - lion, snake
69626 - lion, snake
Bonhams - lion, snake
Loomis - lion, snake

Toh 1090/1777. Praising the Lady Who Rules Disease. ནད་ཀྱི་བདག་མོ་ལ་བསྟོད་པ། 2 pages.

'...On one side, by your ear, is an uraga, whose thousand-headed hood is spread and adorns you. At the other ear you keep a supreme lion, as you trample the entire. ocean-encircled earth.
The sun that crosses the sky, brilliant with a thousand rays, rests directly at your navel.'

Toh 1091. In Praise of the Goddess Revatī. The Collection The Kangyur Dhāraṇī Compendium of Dhāraṇīs. ལྷ་མོ་ནམ་གྲུ་ལ་བསྟོད་པ། · lha mo nam gru la bstod pa. 2 pages
Mandala of Mandalas:

Srog sgrub ma (4a) & eight goddesses with knife and kapāla

Dud sol ma (4a) & ten goddesses with knife and kapāla

Gcer bu bong zhon ma Shan pa nag mo & four queens of the four times

Dbu bcu bdun ma & four bse goddesses & twelve bstan ma.

Mandala of Mandalas: The Iconography of a Stupa of Many Auspicious Doors for Phag Mo Gru Pa by Christian Luczanits. Tibetan Art and Architecture in Context. PIATS 2006. Published 2010.