Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity) - with consort

རྡོ་རྗེ་འཇིགས་འབྱེད། 金刚大威德(佛教本尊)
(item no. 83490)
Origin Location Tibet
Date Range 1800 - 1899
Lineages Gelug and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Animal-Feature

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Vajrabhairava and Vajra Vetali (Tibetan: dor je jig je. English: Vajra Terror): is a meditational deity and his special function or activity is to facilitate the reaching of complete enlightenment in this lifetime, or soon after. The buffalo head is a special characteristic of this figure and it represents death. Death is the overall metaphor in the tantric practices of Vajrabhairava.

Vajrabhairava, in the center, is terrifying and wrathful, dark blue in colour with nine faces, thirty-four hands and sixteen legs. The main face is that of a buffalo, with a red face above and the slightly angry yellow face of Manjushri placed on top. The three right faces are yellow, dark blue and red and the three left are black, white and smoky. Each face has three large round eyes, bared white fangs and frightful expressions; dark yellow hair flows upward, adorned with bone ornaments and a necklace of fifty heads. The first pair of hands hold a curved knife and skullcup embracing the consort Vajra Vetali. The remaining hands hold a variety of objects. The consort has one face and two hands, blue in colour, with orange hair pressed against the back, holding a skullcup in the left hand. The proper right legs of Vajrabhairava are bent pressing down on various animals and gods. The left legs are extended straight and press upon various birds and gods, standing above an sun disc and multi-coloured lotus completely surrounded by the orange flames of pristine awareness fire.

At the top center is Je Tsongkhapa the founder of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. The students Gyaltsab and Khedrub sit n the left and right sides. Two other Gelug teachers wearing monastic attire are seated at the upper right and left corners of the composition. Again at the upper left side is Manjushri, orange in colour, holding a sword upraised. On the right side is Sarasvati, white in colour, holding a vina stringed instrument.

Below the central figure of Vajrabhairava are twenty-two wrathful couples, male and female, three headed with six arms and two legs. These figures occupy the secondary positions in the mandala of Vajrabhairava.

At the bottom center is Shadbhuja Mahakala, blue in colour, with one face and six hands. At the left side is 'Inner' Yma Dharmaraja. On the right side is 'Outer' Yama Dharmaraja with a buffalo head and standing atop a buffalo. These three figures are protector deities. Two of them are realted closely with the Vajrabhairava. The Shadbhuja Mahakala is the special protector deity for the entire Gelug School.

Lineage: Shri Vajrabhairava, Jnana Dakini, Mahasiddha Lalitavajra, Amoghavajra, Yeshe Jungne Bepa, Mahasiddha Padmavajra, Marmedze Srungwa, Rwa Lotsawa Dorje Drag, Rwa Chorab, Rwa Yeshe Sengge, Rwa Bum Seng, Rongpa Gwalo Namgyal Dorje, Rongpa Sherab Sengge, Lamdrepa Yeshe Palwa, Je Sonam Lhundrub, Choje Dondrup Rinchen, Je Tsongkapa Lobzang Dragpa (1357-1419), etc.

Jeff Watt 12-2015

Buddha Form | Female Form | Wrathful Form

Secondary Images
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Thematic Sets
Buddhist Deity: Vajrabhairava Main Page
Exhibition: Wrathful Form (DM)
Collection of Dhargye Museum
Collection of Dhargye Museum (Painting Gallery 2)
Buddhist Deity: Vajrabhairava Iconography