Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Tara (Buddhist Deity) - White Tara (Eight Fears)

སྒྲོལ་མ། སྣང་བརྙན་ཡོངས། 度母(本尊)(全像)
(item no. 15134)
Origin Location Eastern Tibet
Date Range 1800 - 1899
Lineages Karma (Kagyu) and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Shechen Archives - photographs
Painting School Palpung / Situ
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Peaceful

Gender: Female

Interpretation / Description

Tara, White (Tibetan: drol ma, kar mo. English: the White Saviouress): peaceful in appearance, with one face and two hands, surrounded by eight Taras and eight vignettes illustrating the overcoming of the eight fears.

"...Holy White Tara, with one face and two hands, the right in [the gesture of] supreme generosity, the left giving refuge, holding an utpala [flower]. Peaceful, smiling, with a moon as a backrest, adorned with silks and jewel ornaments..."
(Dzongsar Kyentse Chokyi Lodro, 1893-1959).

Jeff Watt 11-2000

Related Items
Thematic Sets
Tradition: Kagyu Deity Paintings
Buddhist Deity: Tara Main Page
Buddhist Deity: Tara, White Main Page
Buddhist Deity: Tara, Eight Fears
Buddhist Deity: Tara, White (Eight Fears)
Buddhist Deity: Tara, White, Eight Fears (Palpung Style)
Buddhist Deity: Tara (Compendium Paintings)
Collection of Shechen Archives: Gallery I