Himalayan Art Resources

Item: Jambhala (Buddhist Deity) - Black (4 hands)

ཛམ་བྷཱ་ལྷ། ནང་ལྷ། 财神(佛教本尊)
(item no. 73422)
Origin Location Eastern Tibet
Date Range 1900 - 1959
Lineages Nyingma and Buddhist
Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Collection Private
Notes about the Central Figure

Classification: Deity

Appearance: Wrathful

Gender: Male

Interpretation / Description

Black Jambhala from the Yang Ter transmission of the Revealed Treasure Tradition of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. (yang g.ter dzam nag. Volume tha of the g.ter mdzod).

Jeff Watt 4-2009

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Buddhist Deity: Jambhala (Black) Masterworks
Collection: Private 4, (Wrathful Appearance Masterworks)
Buddhist Deity: Jambhala (Black) Main Page
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Buddhist Deity: Jambhala, Black (Yang Terma)
Collection: Private 4 (Wrathful Appearance)