Item 94
Vajrayogini (Buddhist Deity)
- Vajravarahi
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Vajravarahi Five Deity Mandala, (Tibetan: dor je pag mo lha nga kyil khor). This pain…
Item 215
Shri Devi (Buddhist Protector)
- Rangjung Gyalmo & Bernagchen
Date: 1600 - 1699
Collection: Rubin Museum of Art
Rangjung Gyalmo and Black Cloak Mahakala Mandala (Tibetan: gon po nag po ber nag chen…
Item 4829
Vairochana Buddha
- Sarvavid (Sarvadurgati Tantra)
Date: 1800 - 1899
Collection: Private
(See HAR #11409).
Item 8071
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Jinasagara (Ocean of Conquerors, Four Arms)
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Private
Item 58135
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Jinasagara (Ocean of Conquerors, Four Arms)
Date: 1960 -
Collection: Private
Item 58226
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Jinasagara (Ocean of Conquerors, Four Arms)
Date: 1960 -
Collection: Private
Item 58227
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Jinasagara (Ocean of Conquerors, Four Arms)
Date: 1960 -
Collection: Private
Item 69106
Hevajra (Buddhist Deity)
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Barbara and Walter Frey
Item 90541
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva & Buddhist Deity)
- Jinasagara (Ocean of Conquerors, Four Arms)
Date: 1400 - 1499
Collection: Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Jina Sagara Avalokiteshvara mandala (Tibetan: gyal wa gya tso, chen re zi kyil khor.
Item 91100
Samantabhadra Buddha
Date: 1500 - 1599
Collection: Erie Art Museum
Samantabhadra Father-Mother Mandala (Tibetan: kun tu zang po yab yum kyil khor. Engli…