Wutaishan Bibliography | Manjushri Main Page | Specialty Subjects Bibliography | Wutaishan Main Page
English Language:
Berzin, Alexander. #1, A Concert of Names of Manjushri: Manjushri-namasamgiti. As Long AS Space Endure, Essays on the Kalachakra Tantra in honor of H. H. the Dalai Lama, edited by Edward A Arnold. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York, 2009. Page 3.
Birnbaum, Raoul. Studies on the Mysteries of Manjusri. Boulder: Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Monograph no. 2, 1983.
Birnbaum, Raoul. The Manifestation of a Monastery: Shen-Ying's Experiences on Mount Wu-t'ai in T'ang Context. Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 106, No. 1, Sinological Studies Dedicated to Edward H. Schafer (Jan. - Mar., 1986), pp. 119-137.
Birnbaum, Raoul. Visions of Manjusri on Mount Wutai, Religions of China in Practice ed. by Donald Lopez.
Birnbaum, Raoul. Light in the Wutai Mountains in Presence of Light Divine Radiance and Religious Experience. Chicago Univ Press, 2004.
Birnbaum, Raoul. Buddhist meditation teachings and the birth of `pure' landscape painting in China. Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Bulletin 9 (Fall 1981): 42-58.
Birnbaum, Raoul. Secret Halls of the Mountain Lords: the Caves of Wu-t'ai' T'oung Pao vol 86, no. 4-5 (Dec 2000) (Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie 5 (1989-1990), pp. 116-140.)
Birnbaum, Raoul. Manjusri in Mircea Eliade and Charles J. Adams, The Encyclopedia of Religion (1986), vol. 9, 174-175.
Brough, John. (1948) 'Legends of Khotan and Nepal,' The Bulletin of the School of Oriental & African Studies XII, pp. 333-339.
Cartelli, Mary Anne. On a five-colored cloud: the Songs of Mount Wutai The Journal of the American Oriental Society (Oct 2004).
Cartelli, Mary Anne. The poetry of Mount Wutai: Chinese Buddhist verse from Dunhuang (Columbia U dissertation 1999).
Chou, Wen-shing. Ineffable Paths: Mapping Wutaishan in Qing Dynasty China Art Bulletin (March 07) pp. 108-129.
Crossley, Pamela. A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing imperial Ideology. Berkeley: U Cal Press, 1999.
Davidson, Ronald M. #4, The Litany of Names of Manjushri. Religions of India in Practice, edited by Donald S. Lopez Jr. Princeton Readings in Religions. Princeton University Press, 1995. page 104.
Davidson, Ronald M. The Litany of Names of Manjushri. Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R.A.Stein, edited by Michel Strickmann. Vol.1. Institut Belge Des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 1981. Page 1.
Farquhar, David. Emperor as Bodhisattva in the Governance of the Ch'ing Empire. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 38, no. 1 (1978): 5-34.
Garma C. C. Chang. A Treasury of Mahayana Sutras, Selections from the Maharatnakuta Sutra. Translated from the Chinese by the Buddhist Association of the united States. The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
--- #4 How to Kill With the Sword of Wisdom, pp. 41-72.
--- #6 Manjushri's Discourse on the Paramita of Wisdom, pp. 100-114.
--- #10 The Perfection of Manjushri's Attainment of Wisdom, pp. 164-190.
Gimello, Robert. Chang Shang-ying on Wu-ta'i Shan in Naquin & Chen-fang Yu, eds. Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China. Berkeley: U Cal Press, 1992, pp. 89-149.
Halen, Harry. Mirrors of the void: Buddhist art in the National Museum of Finland: 63 Sino-Mongolian thangkas from the Wutai Shan workshops, a panoramic map of the Wutai Mountains and objects of diverse origin. Helsinki: National Board of Antiquities, 1987.
Harrington, Laura. A View of Manjushri: Wisdom and its Crown Prince in Pala-period India. (Unpublished dissertation, Columbia University, New York, 2002).
Harrington, Laura. #5, Like a Buddha Jewel-Casket Thrown Open: Gendun Gyatso's Namasamgiti Commentary. As Long AS Space Endure, Essays on the Kalachakra Tantra in honor of H. H. the Dalai Lama, edited by Edward A Arnold. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York, 2009. Page 127.
Heller, Natasha. Visualizing Pilgrimage and Mapping Experience: Mount Wutai on the Silk Road. forthcoming in a volume of papers from the conference Maps and Images: How They Have Transmitted visual Knowledge Along the Silk Road by Routledge.
Hevia, James. Emperors, Lamas, and Rituals: Political Implications in Qing Imperial Ceremonies. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 16 (1993), pp. 243-278.
Ho, Puay-peng. Building for Glitter and Eternity: The Works of the Late Ming Master Builder Miaofeng on Wutai Shan Orientations 27, no. 5 (May 1996), 67-73.
Kambayashi, R. Laudatory Verses of Manjushri. The Translation from the Sanskrt Text of the Hundred-and-eight Names of Manjusri. Page 271-276.
Kapstein, Matthew. "Weaving the World: The Ritual Art of the Pata in Pala Buddhism and its Legacy in Tibet." 1995. HR, vol. 34, no. 3 (February): 241-262.
Lamotte, Etienne. "Manjusri," T'oung Pao 48, no. 1-3 (1960): 1-96.
Lipton, Barbara and Nima Dorjee Ragnubs. Treasures of Tibetan Art: collections of the Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art. Staten Island, N.Y.: The Museum; New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 84-86.
Marchand, Ernesta. The Panorama of Wutaishan as an example of tenth Century cartography Oriental Art 22, no. 2 (1976), pp. 158-173.
Matsunaga, Yukei. "On the Date of the Manjusrimulakalapa." In Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein, Michel Strickmann (ed.), vol. 3, in vol. 22 of melanges Chinois et Bouddhiques. 1985. Brussels: 882-894.
Miller, Robert James. Monasteries and Culture Change in Inner Mongolia. Asiatische Forschungen 2. Weisbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1959.
Millward, James, Ruth Dunnell, Mark Elliot, and Philippe Foret, eds. New Qing Imperial History: The Making of Inner Asian Empire at Qing Chengde. London; Routledge, 2004.
Mukherjee, B. N. "Arapacana: A Mystic Buddhist Script." Tantric Buddhism. Edited by N.N.Bhattacharyya. Associate editor Amartya Ghosh. Manohar 1999.
Mukherjee, B. N. "An Illustration of Iconographic Contact between Karttikeya and Manjushri in China." Buddhist Iconography. Sambhota Series II. Tibet House, 1989. pp. 138-141.
Obermiller, E. "Buston's History of Buddhism and the Manjusrimulakalpa." JRAS (1935, part 2): 299-306.
Reynolds, Valrae. A Sino-Mongolian-Tibetan Buddhist Applique in the Newark Museum. Orientations, April 1990, pp. 81-87.
Reynolds, Valrae. From the sacred realm: treasures of Tibetan art from The Newark Museum. Munich; New York: Prestel, 1999, p. 194-198.
Sangs-rgyas rGya-mtsho. Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings, Illuminated Manuscripts from the White Beryl with the Moonbeams Treatise of Lo-chen Dharmashri. Commentary and translation by Gyurme Dorje. Published by John Eskenazi in association with Sam Fogg. London 2001.
Stevenson "Visions of Manjusri on Mt Wutai" in Religions of China in Practice. Princeton, 1996. pp. 203-222.
Tribe, Anthony. (1994a) 'Ma~nju'srii Origins, Role and Significance. Part 3: The Cult of Ma~nju'srii,' Western Buddhist Review 1, pp. 23?49.
Tribe, Anthony. (1994b) The Names of Wisdom. A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of Chapters 1-5 of Vilaasavajra's Commentary on the Naamasa.mgiiti, with Introduction and Textual Notes. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Oxford.
Tribe, Anthony. (1997) 'Ma~nju'srii and "The Chanting of Names" (Naamasa.mgiiti): Wisdom and its Embodiment in an Indian Mahaayaana Buddhist Text,' in S. Hamilton and J. Connolly, ed., Indian Insights: Buddhism, Brahmanism, and Bhakti. New York: Weatherhill.
Tuttle, Gray. Tibetan Buddhism at Ri bo rtse lnga/Wutai shan in Modern Times JIATS, no 2 (2006) [Contents, Abstract].
Tuttle, Gray. Tibetan Buddhists In The Making Of Modern China. Columbia University Press, 2005.
Wallis, Glenn. #8, Om Vakyeda Namah, Manjushri's Mantra and it's Uses. As Long AS Space Endure, Essays on the Kalachakra Tantra in honor of H. H. the Dalai Lama, edited by Edward A Arnold. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York, 2009. Page 169.
Wallis, Glenn. Mediating the Power of Buddhas: Ritual in the Manjusrimulakalpa. SUNY, 2002.
Wang Xiangyun. The Qing court's Tibet Connection: Lcang skya Rol pa'i rdo rje and the Qianlong Emperor. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 60 (2000), pp. 125-163.
Watt, Jeff. Siddhaikavira Tantra: Annotated Outline. (Unpublished manuscript, Vancouver, B.C., 1986).
Wayman, Alex. Chanting the Names of Manjushri, the Manjusri-Nama-Samgiti, Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts. Buddhist Tradition Series, Motilal Barnarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, 1999 (First published in 1985, USA).
Wayman, Alex. (1984) 'The Goddess Sarasvati - From India To Tibet,' in George R. Elder, ed., Buddhist Insight. Essays by Alex Wayman. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 431-9.
Wong, Dorothy. A Reassessment of the Representation of Mt Wutai from Dunhuang cave 61. Archives of Asian Art 46 (1993) pp. 27-52.
Other Languages:
de Mallmann, Marie-Therese. Etude Iconographique sur Manjusri. Ecole Francaise D'extreme-orient, Paris, 1964. (French)
Imaeda, Yoshiro. "Un Extrait Tibetain du Manjusrimulakalpa dans les Maunscripts de Touen-Houang. In Nouvelles Contributions de Toen-Houang, Michel Soymie (ed.). 1981. Geneva: 303-320. (French)
Lalou, M. Iconographie des Etoffes Peintes (Pata) dans le Manjusrimulakalpa. Paris, 1930. (French)
Macdonald, Ariane. Le Mandala du Manjushrimulakalpa. Paris 1962. (French)
Manjusrimulakalpa (T. Ganapati Sastri, ed. [as Aryamanjusrimulakalpa]) Trivandrum Sanskrit Series: Part I = no. LXX, 1920; Part II = LXXVI, 1922; Part III = LXXXIV, 1925. Trivandrum. (Sanskrit)
Mitsuhara, Keinosuke. "Namusangiti ni okeru dentatsu ni tsuite." Nihon Bukkyogakkai Nempo 36 (1970): 121-135. (Japanese)
Mukherji, Durga Das. Aryamanjusrinamasangiti: Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts. (Calcutta: Calcutta University Press, 1973).
Ragu Vira. Manjusrinamasamgiti. Kalacakra-Tantra and other Texts, Part 1. Satapitaka Vol. 69. (New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1966) pp. 31-34. (Sanskrit)
Saitou Tadashi, Chuugoku Godaizan Chikurin-ji no Kenkyuu (Research on Monastery of Bamboo Groves at Mt. Wutai, China). Tokyo: Daiichi Shobou, 1998. (Japanese)
Photo Books:
Fojiao ming shan (Famous Buddhist Mountains)
old photos: check Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University
General Books on Pilgrimage:
Gold, Peter. Tibetan Pilgrimage. Ithaca, N.Y., USA : Snow Lion Publications, 1988.
Toni Huber. The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet. Oxford 1999.
Toni Huber, ed. Sacred spaces and powerful places in Tibetan culture. Dharamsala, H.P.: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1999.
Toni Huber. The Holy Land Reborn: Pilgrimage and the Tibetan Reinvention of Buddhist India (forthcoming University of Chicago Press)
Alex McKay, ed. Pilgrimage in Tibet. Surrey, UK Curzon, 1998.
Ngawang Zangpo. Sacred Ground: Jamgon Kongtrul on pilgrimage and sacred geography. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 2001.
Yu, Chun-fang. Pilgrims & Sacred Sites in China (1992)
Tibetan Language:
Dznya na sri man. Ri bo rtse lnga'i dkar chag rab gsal me long. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1994.
lCang skya rol pa'i rdo rje. Zhing mchog ri bo dwangs bsil gyi gnas bshad dad pa'i padmo rgyas byed ngo mtshar nyi ma'i snang ba. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang. 1993.
translated into Chinese by Wang Lu (see below)
dByangs-can dga'-ba'i blo-gros (1740-1827) [see image]. Ri bo rtse lngar mjal skabs kyi gnas bstod mgur (A praise of Wutaishan -including origins of great Buddhist festivals observed there) [written in 1799, less then 50 years before the Wutai Shan map was printed in 1846!]
Chinese Language:
Chun Rong. Cifusi Wutaishan yanjiu ????? no 1 (1999); ca pp. 21-22 (?).
Cui Zhengsen, ed. Wutaishan fojiao shi ?????? (History of Buddhism at Mt. Wutai) Taiyuan: Renmin chubanshe, 2000. (2 vols.)
Du Doucheng. Dunhuang Wutaishan Wenxian ??????? (Textual evidence on Mt. Wutai from Dunhuang). Taiyuan: Renmin chubanshe, 1991.
Qingliang shanzhi ???? (Record of the Clear and Cool Mountains - Chinese gazetteer of Wutaishan) 1596 (revised 1661)
Wang Lu Shengdi Qingliang Shan zhi in Wutaishan yanjiu ????? no 2 (1990); pp. 8-48 (p. 7 leftover endnotes) (translation of Rol-pa'i rdo-rje's guide).