Himalayan Art Resources

Painting Sets: Karma Kagyu Lineage Teachers (Masterworks)

Karma Kagyu Lineage (Golden Garland)

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description
- Paintings Sets:
--- Complete
--- Incomplete
- Golden Garland Lineage
- Other Lineages
- Incarnation Lineages
- Lineages Main Page
- Confusions
- Others...

- Palpung & Rumtek Painting Set Comparison
- Karma Kagyu Lineage Painting Sets
- Questions About A Karma Kagyu Painting Set
- Karmapa: HAR #163

Painting Sets:
- Two Figure Composition (Rubin)
- Blue/Green Composition
- Palpung Set 1 (Rubin)
- Palpung Set 2 (Various Collections)
- Palpung Monastery (Three Paintings)
- Others...

Jeff Watt, 8-2024

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).