Himalayan Art Resources

Painting Sets: Karma Kagyu Lineage (Miscellaneous)

Karma Kagyu Page

Subjects, Topics & Types:
- Description: (below)
- Outline Page
- Masterworks
- Teachers (Early Paintings)
- Palpung & Rumtek Painting Set Comparison
- Lineage Painting Sets List:
--- Golden Garland (Sertreng)
--- Mahamudra
--- Miscellaneous (Hevajra, Mahamaya, Varahi, etc.)
--- Incarnation Paintings (singles/sets)
- Painting Styles:
--- Karma Gar-ri
--- Palpung
--- Others
- Mahamudra Lineage Names (Tibetan)
- Single Composition Lineage Paintings
- Confusions: Subject/Mahamudra/Golden Garland/Incarnation/Others
- Others...

- Karma Kagyu Lineage: Palpung Paintings
- Palpung & Rumtek Painting Set Comparison
- Karma Kagyu Lineage Painting Sets
- Karma Kagyu Lineage Painting Sets, Part 2

Study Topics:
- Description
- Lineage Subject
- Lineage Tradition
- Set/Single Composition
- Painting Style
- Composition Type

Lineage Painting Sets make a up a substantial portion of Himalayan and Tibetan art. The two largest single groups of lineage painting sets are the Sakya Lamdre Lineage and the Karma Kagyu Mahamudra Lineage. The Karma Kagyu sets have been organized into a list and same set paintings grouped togther. Curently there are twenty-nine different sets identified on the HAR site. The first set has also been expanded into a custom page to re-construct the likely total number and order of the paintings.

Jeff Watt [updated 6-2017, 8-2024]

(The images below are only a selection of examples from the links above).